Version History

This Version History provides a high-level overview of changes in major versions. It is intended as a supplement for Changelog. In this document we highlight major changes, especially breaking changes. If you notice a breaking change that we neglected to note here, please let us know (or open a PR to add it to this doc)!

Version 2.0 (2021-07-26)


Version 2.0.0 included a couple of bugs related to the upgrade from Marshmallow 2 to 3. While the fix for one of those (removal of DisallowExtraFieldsMixin) might technically be considered a “breaking change” requiring a new major version, we deemed it acceptable to bend the rules of semantic versioning since that mixin never actually functioned in 2.0.0.

  • Removed support for versions < 3.6 of Python
  • Removed support for versions < 1.0 of Flask, and added support for Flask 2.x; we now support only Flask 1.x and 2.x.
  • Removed support for versions < 3.0 of Marshmallow; we now support only Marshmallow 3.x
  • (2.0.1) Removed flask_rebar.validation.DisallowExtraFieldsMixin - with Marshmallow 3, this is now default behavior and this mixin was broken in 2.0.0
  • In methods that register handlers, marshal_schema is now response_body_schema and the former name is no longer supported
  • AuthenticatorConverterRegistry no longer accepts a converters parameter when instantiating. Use register_type on an instance to add a converter
  • Use of “converter functions” is no longer supported; use a class that derives from AuthenticatorConverter instead.
  • Can be used programmatically to differentiate between different “flavors” of errors (for example, the specific reason behind a 400 Bad Request)
  • This gets added to the JSON we return for errors
  • You can now use a marshmallow-objects Model instead of a marshmallow Schema when registering your endpoints.

Version 1.0 (2018-03-04)

The first official release of Flask-Rebar!