API Reference

This part of the documentation covers most of the interfaces for Flask-Rebar.

Rebar Extension

class flask_rebar.Rebar

The main entry point for the Flask-Rebar extension.

This registers handler registries with the Flask application and initializes all the Flask-Rebar goodies.

Example usage:

app = Flask(__name__)
rebar = Rebar()
registry = rebar.create_handler_registry()

def handler():

create_handler_registry(prefix=None, default_authenticators=None, default_headers_schema=None, default_mimetype=None, swagger_generator=None, spec_path='/swagger', swagger_ui_path='/swagger/ui')

Create a new handler registry and add to this extension’s set of registered registries.

When calling Rebar.init_app(), all registries created via this method will be registered with the Flask application.

Parameters are the same for the HandlerRegistry constructor.

  • prefix (str) – URL prefix for all handlers registered with this registry instance.
  • Authenticator, None) default_authenticators (Union(List(Authenticator),) – List of Authenticators to use for all handlers as a default.
  • default_headers_schema (marshmallow.Schema) – Schema to validate the headers on all requests as a default.
  • default_mimetype (str) – Default response content-type if no content and not otherwise specified by the handler.
  • swagger_generator (flask_rebar.swagger_generation.swagger_generator.SwaggerGeneratorI) – Object to generate a Swagger specification from this registry. This will be the Swagger generator that is used in the endpoints swagger and swagger UI that are added to the API. If left as None, a SwaggerV2Generator instance will be used.
  • spec_path (str) – The OpenAPI specification as a JSON document will be hosted at this URL. If set as None, no swagger specification will be hosted.
  • swagger_ui_path (str) – The HTML Swagger UI will be hosted at this URL. If set as None, no Swagger UI will be hosted.
Return type:



Register a handler registry with the extension.

There is no need to call this if a handler registry was created via Rebar.create_handler_registry().

Parameters:registry (HandlerRegistry) –

Proxy to the result of validating/transforming an incoming request body with the request_body_schema a handler was registered with.

Return type:dict

Proxy to the result of validating/transforming an incoming request’s query string with the query_string_schema a handler was registered with.

Return type:dict

Proxy to the result of validating/transforming an incoming request’s headers with the headers_schema a handler was registered with.

Return type:dict

Add a function that will be called for uncaught exceptions, i.e. exceptions that will result in a 500 error.

This function should accept the exception instance as a single positional argument.

All handlers will be called in the order they are added.

Parameters:func (Callable) –

Register all the handler registries with a Flask application.

Parameters:app (flask.Flask) –

Handler Registry

class flask_rebar.HandlerRegistry(prefix=None, default_authenticators=None, default_headers_schema=None, default_mimetype=None, swagger_generator=None, spec_path='/swagger', spec_ui_path='/swagger/ui')

Registry for request handlers.

This should typically be instantiated via a Rebar instance:

rebar = Rebar()
registry = rebar.create_handler_registry()

Although it can be instantiated independently and added to the registry:

rebar = Rebar()
registry = HandlerRegistry()
Parameters:prefix (str) – URL prefix for all handlers registered with this registry instance.
:param Union(flask_rebar.authenticators.Authenticator, List(flask_rebar.authenticators.Authenticator), None)
default_authenticators: List of Authenticators to use for all handlers as a default.
  • default_headers_schema (marshmallow.Schema) – Schema to validate the headers on all requests as a default.
  • default_mimetype (str) – Default response content-type if no content and not otherwise specified by the handler.
  • swagger_generator (flask_rebar.swagger_generation.swagger_generator.SwaggerGeneratorI) – Object to generate a Swagger specification from this registry. This will be the Swagger generator that is used in the endpoints swagger and swagger UI that are added to the API. If left as None, a SwaggerV2Generator instance will be used.
  • spec_path (str) – The Swagger specification as a JSON document will be hosted at this URL. If set as None, no swagger specification will be hosted.
  • spec_ui_path (str) – The HTML Swagger UI will be hosted at this URL. If set as None, no Swagger UI will be hosted.

Sets a handler authenticator to be used by default.

Parameters:flask_rebar.authenticators.Authenticator) authenticator (Union(None,) –

Sets the handler authenticators to be used by default.

Parameters:authenticators (Union(List(flask_rebar.authenticators.Authenticator))) –

Sets the schema to be used by default to validate incoming headers.

Parameters:headers_schema (marshmallow.Schema) –

Returns a new, shallow-copied instance of HandlerRegistry.

Return type:HandlerRegistry
add_handler(func, rule, method='GET', endpoint=None, response_body_schema=None, query_string_schema=None, request_body_schema=None, headers_schema=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, authenticators=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, tags=None, mimetype=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, hidden=False)

Registers a function as a request handler.

  • func – The Flask “view_func”
  • rule (str) – The Flask “rule”
  • method (str) – The HTTP method this handler accepts
  • endpoint (str) –
  • marshmallow.Schema] response_body_schema (dict[int,) – Dictionary mapping response codes to schemas to use to marshal the response. For now this assumes everything is JSON.
  • query_string_schema (marshmallow.Schema) – Schema to use to deserialize query string arguments.
  • request_body_schema (marshmallow.Schema) – Schema to use to deserialize the request body. For now this assumes everything is JSON.
  • headers_schema (Type[USE_DEFAULT]|None|marshmallow.Schema) – Schema to use to grab and validate headers.
  • authenticators (Type[USE_DEFAULT]|None|List(Authenticator)|Authenticator) – A list of authenticator objects to authenticate incoming requests. If left as USE_DEFAULT, the Rebar’s default will be used. Set to None to make this an unauthenticated handler.
  • tags (Sequence[str]) – Arbitrary strings to tag the handler with. These will translate to Swagger operation tags.
  • mimetype (Type[USE_DEFAULT]|None|str) – Content-Type header to add to the response schema
  • hidden (bool) – if hidden, documentation is not created for this request handler by default
handles(rule, method='GET', endpoint=None, response_body_schema=None, query_string_schema=None, request_body_schema=None, headers_schema=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, authenticators=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, tags=None, mimetype=<class 'flask_rebar.utils.defaults.USE_DEFAULT'>, hidden=False)

Same arguments as HandlerRegistry.add_handler(), except this can be used as a decorator.

Authenticator Objects

class flask_rebar.authenticators.Authenticator

Abstract authenticator class. Custom authentication methods should extend this class.


Implementations of Authenticator should override this method.

This will be called before a request handler is called, and should raise an flask_rebar.errors.HttpJsonError is authentication fails.

Otherwise the return value is ignored.

class flask_rebar.HeaderApiKeyAuthenticator(header, name='sharedSecret')

Authenticates based on a small set of shared secrets, passed via a header.

This allows multiple client applications to be registered with their own keys. This also allows multiple keys to be registered for a single client application.

  • header (str) – The header where clients where client applications must include their secret.
  • name (str) – A name for this authenticator. This should be unique across authenticators.
register_key(key, app_name='default')

Register a client application’s shared secret.

  • app_name (str) – Name for the application. Since an application can have multiple shared secrets, this does not need to be unique.
  • key (str) – The shared secret.

Implementations of Authenticator should override this method.

This will be called before a request handler is called, and should raise an flask_rebar.errors.HttpJsonError is authentication fails.

Otherwise the return value is ignored.


Swagger V2 Generation

class flask_rebar.SwaggerV2Generator(host='localhost', schemes=(), consumes=('application/json', ), produces=('application/json', ), version='1.0.0', title='My API', description='', query_string_converter_registry=None, request_body_converter_registry=None, headers_converter_registry=None, response_converter_registry=None, tags=None, default_response_schema=<Error(many=False)>, authenticator_converter_registry=None)

Generates a v2.0 Swagger specification from a Rebar object.

Not all things are retrievable from the Rebar object, so this guy also needs some additional information to complete the job.

  • host (str) – Host name or ip of the API. This is not that useful for generating a static specification that will be used across multiple hosts (i.e. PlanGrid folks, don’t worry about this guy. We have to override it manually when initializing a client anyways.
  • schemes (Sequence[str]) – “http”, “https”, “ws”, or “wss”. Defaults to empty. If left empty, the Swagger UI will infer the scheme from the document URL, ensuring that the “Try it out” buttons work.
  • consumes (Sequence[str]) – Mime Types the API accepts
  • produces (Sequence[str]) – Mime Types the API returns
  • query_string_converter_registry (ConverterRegistry) –
  • request_body_converter_registry (ConverterRegistry) –
  • headers_converter_registry (ConverterRegistry) –
  • response_converter_registry (ConverterRegistry) – ConverterRegistrys that will be used to convert Marshmallow schemas to the corresponding types of swagger objects. These default to the global registries.
  • tags (Sequence[Tag]) – A list of tags used by the specification with additional metadata.
generate_swagger(registry, host=None)

Generate a swagger definition json object. :param registry: :param host: :return:

generate(registry, host=None, schemes=None, consumes=None, produces=None, sort_keys=True)

Generate a swagger specification from the provided registry

generate_swagger implements the SwaggerGeneratorI interface. But for backwards compatibility, we are keeping the similarly named generate signature.

  • registry (flask_rebar.rebar.HandlerRegistry) –
  • host (str) – Overrides the initialized host
  • schemes (Sequence[str]) – Overrides the initialized schemas
  • consumes (Sequence[str]) – Overrides the initialized consumes
  • produces (Sequence[str]) – Overrides the initialized produces
  • sort_keys (bool) – Use OrderedDicts sorted by keys instead of dicts
Return type:


class flask_rebar.Tag(name, description=None, external_docs=None)

Represents a Swagger “Tag Object”

  • name (str) – The name of the tag
  • description (str) – A short description for the tag
  • external_docs (ExternalDocumentation) – Additional external documentation for this tag

Create a Swagger representation of this object

Return type:dict
class flask_rebar.ExternalDocumentation(url, description=None)

Represents a Swagger “External Documentation Object”

  • url (str) – The URL for the target documentation. Value MUST be in the format of a URL
  • description (str) – A short description of the target documentation

Create a Swagger representation of this object

Return type:dict

Decorates a MarshmallowConverter method, marking it as an JSONSchema attribute setter.

Example usage:

class Converter(MarshmallowConverter):

    def get_type(obj, context):
        return 'string'

This converter receives instances of String and converts it to a JSONSchema object that looks like {‘type’: ‘string’}.

Parameters:attr (str) – The attribute to set
class flask_rebar.swagger_generation.ConverterRegistry

Registry for MarshmallowConverters.

Schemas for responses, query strings, request bodies, etc. need to be converted differently. For example, response schemas as “dump”ed and request body schemas are “loaded”. For another example, query strings don’t support nesting.

This registry also allows for additional converters to be added for custom Marshmallow types.


Registers a converter.

Parameters:converter (MarshmallowConverter) –

Registers multiple converters.

Parameters:converters (iterable[MarshmallowConverter]) –
convert(obj, openapi_version=2)

Converts a Marshmallow object to a JSONSchema dictionary.

  • obj (m.Schema|m.fields.Field|Validator) – The Marshmallow object to be converted
  • openapi_version (int) – major version of OpenAPI to convert obj for
Return type:



class flask_rebar.ResponseSchema(only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str], NoneType] = None, exclude: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), many: bool = False, context: Union[Dict[KT, VT], NoneType] = None, load_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), dump_only: Union[Sequence[str], Set[str]] = (), partial: Union[bool, Sequence[str], Set[str]] = False, unknown: Union[str, NoneType] = None)

alias of marshmallow.schema.Schema


Retrieve the result of validating/transforming an incoming request’s query string with the query_string_schema a handler was registered with.

Return type:dict

Retrieve the result of validating/transforming an incoming request body with the request_body_schema a handler was registered with.

Return type:dict
flask_rebar.marshal(data, schema)

Dumps an object with the given marshmallow.Schema.

Raises:marshmallow.ValidationError if the given data fails validation of the schema.
flask_rebar.response(data, status_code=200, headers=None, mimetype=None)

Constructs a flask.jsonify response.

  • data (dict) – The JSON body of the response
  • status_code (int) – HTTP status code to use in the response
  • headers (dict) – Additional headers to attach to the response
  • mimetype (str) – Default Content-Type response header
Return type:



class flask_rebar.errors.HttpJsonError(msg=None, additional_data=None)

Abstract base class for exceptions that will be cause and transformed into an appropriate HTTP error response with a JSON body.

These can be raised at any time during the handling of a request, and the Rebar extension will handling catching it and transforming it.

This class itself shouldn’t be used. Instead, use one of the subclasses.

  • msg (str) – A human readable message to be included in the JSON error response
  • additional_data (dict) – Dictionary of additional keys and values to be set in the JSON body. Note that these keys and values are added to the root object of the response, not nested under “additional_data”.
class flask_rebar.errors.BadRequest(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 400
default_message = 'Bad Request'
class flask_rebar.errors.Unauthorized(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 401
default_message = 'Unauthorized'
class flask_rebar.errors.PaymentRequired(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 402
default_message = 'Payment Required'
class flask_rebar.errors.Forbidden(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 403
default_message = 'Forbidden'
class flask_rebar.errors.NotFound(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 404
default_message = 'Not Found'
class flask_rebar.errors.MethodNotAllowed(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 405
default_message = 'Method Not Allowed'
class flask_rebar.errors.NotAcceptable(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 406
default_message = 'Not Acceptable'
class flask_rebar.errors.ProxyAuthenticationRequired(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 407
default_message = 'Proxy Authentication Required'
class flask_rebar.errors.RequestTimeout(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 408
default_message = 'Request Timeout'
class flask_rebar.errors.Conflict(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 409
default_message = 'Conflict'
class flask_rebar.errors.Gone(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 410
default_message = 'Gone'
class flask_rebar.errors.LengthRequired(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 411
default_message = 'Length Required'
class flask_rebar.errors.PreconditionFailed(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 412
default_message = 'Precondition Failed'
class flask_rebar.errors.RequestEntityTooLarge(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 413
default_message = 'Request Entity Too Large'
class flask_rebar.errors.RequestUriTooLong(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 414
default_message = 'Request URI Too Long'
class flask_rebar.errors.UnsupportedMediaType(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 415
default_message = 'Unsupported Media Type'
class flask_rebar.errors.RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 416
default_message = 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable'
class flask_rebar.errors.ExpectationFailed(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 417
default_message = 'Expectation Failed'
class flask_rebar.errors.UnprocessableEntity(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 422
default_message = 'Unprocessable Entity'
class flask_rebar.errors.InternalError(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 500
default_message = 'Internal Server Error'
class flask_rebar.errors.NotImplemented(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 501
default_message = 'Not Implemented'
class flask_rebar.errors.BadGateway(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 502
default_message = 'Bad Gateway'
class flask_rebar.errors.ServiceUnavailable(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 503
default_message = 'Service Unavailable'
class flask_rebar.errors.GatewayTimeout(msg=None, additional_data=None)
http_status_code = 504
default_message = 'Gateway Timeout'